Leading the industry

Sourcing transparency

Enviva has created a leading-edge sustainable sourcing program that provides transparent, publicly available sourcing data. Track & Trace® allows us and our stakeholders to identify the source of our wood to its origin in the forest and to further monitor and audit our procurement activities.

Accurate data

Ensuring sustainable forestry

To ensure that our suppliers provide us with wood that meets our sustainability requirements, Enviva has developed Track & Trace®, or T&T®, a one-of-a-kind monitoring program that tracks all of the in-scope volume that we receive directly from the forest to its harvest origin and publishes that information online.

A supplier or landowner must provide detailed data on the specific forest tract being considered for harvest, including each individual tract’s precise geographic location, acreage, forest type, harvest type,  and age class. This information allows us to make sure that our sourcing practices remain aligned with our values and sustainability policies.

The wood we source via T&T is assessed for conformance to our Track & Trace Standard, which defines the systems and processes required to collect quality and accurate data on the origin of our wood. We have completed our first audit of the program, and intend to conduct 3rd party audits annually to the Standard by an independent third party who assesses the quality of our T&T program and verifies the accuracy of the data that we collect. To review our audit results and reports, please visit our T&T Standard and Auditing page.

Innovation and Insight

A proprietary system

Track & Trace enables us to record tract origin, monitor tract data, and verify the point of harvest for each in-scope tract from which we source.

This innovative system provides detailed insights into our tract characteristics, enabling us to continue to refine our sustainable sourcing policies and commitments.

T&T is an important element of Enviva’s Responsible Sourcing Policy, and it complements our third-party sustainability certifications. This system delivers the information we need to tailor our sourcing practices to the needs of our operations, and enables Enviva to provide an unprecedented level of transparency by publicly sharing the results and findings of our audit, going above and beyond any other pellet producer or southern forest products company.

Enviva’s Track & Trace

Data for 2H 2021

Our most recent findings, which cover wood purchases from July through December 2021, are summarized in the infographic below.

Our Track & Trace® data and systems have been verified by Preferred by Nature in an independent audit to the Track & Trace Standard. Please refer to our Track & Trace Standard and Auditing page for the report summary.

For further information on the T&T Standard, Enviva’s data monitoring, and the third-party audit process, please review our T&T Standard & Auditing page.


Track & Trace® interactive maps

Follow the links below to explore interactive maps that display additional information on the state of Southeast U.S. forests and Enviva’s wood supply.

Data from USDA Forest Service’s Forest Inventory and Analysis program on forest area and inventory.

Visit the map

Tract-level detail on Enviva’s wood sources.

Visit the map


Being transparent about Enviva’s wood supply is fundamental to our sustainability values and our company’s core mission.