Enviva has developed the Track & Trace® Standard with the guidance from Preferred by Nature. The Standard includes 10 core areas to which we are audited annually, the most central of which are data collection and verification. The Standard requires that specific systems are put into place to collect, monitor, and verify data to ensure its accuracy.
We employ desk and field-based monitoring of our data, to ensure specific variables are reaffirmed.
Audit Reports
Between 2021 and 2022, Enviva was audited to our T&T Standard by Preferred by Nature as our independent verifier, with successful claims after each audit of our Track & Trace program. Preferred by Nature is an international non-profit organization with over 25 years of experience in auditing sustainable forestry and traceability standards. To learn more about their work, please visit their website.
Enviva was audited to the Standard in a review of the 1H2021, 2H2021, and 1H2022 data. Each audit consisted of an evaluation of T&T data collection, monitoring, and verification systems.
To maintain transparency in our processes, we are pleased to provide the full audit reports for review.
Track & Trace® Audit Report 1H2021
Track & Trace® Audit Report 2H2021
Track & Trace® Audit Report 1H2022
Continuous Improvement
As a part of our Standard, we welcome input and feedback from our stakeholders. If you have Track & Trace-related feedback, please submit it in writing to our Raleigh office, or in writing via email to TrackandTrace@envivabiomass.com.

Through our network of suppliers, we help private landowners manage their forests.