A Key Resource in the Global Energy Transition

Renewable alternative to traditional fuel sources

As an alternative to coal or fossil fuels, Enviva’s sustainable wood pellets help power plants reduce their carbon footprint up to 85 percent on a lifecycle basis, often without undergoing major renovations to their existing infrastructure, according to the UK Environment Agency.

Ensuring a Stable Grid

Complementing wind and solar

Because wood bioenergy can provide uninterrupted power at any time, at large scale, and at comparatively low cost, power generation using sustainably sourced biomass provides a reliable, affordable, cleaner source of renewable energy that complements the intermittency of wind and solar energy.

Wind and solar energy are a critical part of the renewable energy mix but can leave a gap in energy supply when the wind does not blow and the sun does not shine. Coal plants converted to biomass are 24/7 energy resources that contribute to security of supply regardless of the weather. Sustainably sourced biomass is a viable and reliable supplement to intermittent renewable energy resources that helps meet global climate goals.

International Consensus

An alternative to coal

Studies by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and National Council for Air and Stream Improvement have shown that co-firing industrial wood pellets alongside coal reduces emissions of air pollutants like ash, mercury, nitrogen, sulfur, and other pollutants that are harmful to the environment.