COllaborating with our Partners

For the growth of forests

Enviva is committed to protecting the forest landscape and ensuring the growth of forests. We support a wide variety of conservation-minded partners in both the public and the private sectors.

A longstanding pledge

Continuously improving environmental performance

As part of Enviva’s enhanced and expanded global Responsible Sourcing Policy, we commit to help restore critical, threatened, or declining forest types. This means doing what we can to conserve species, forest communities, and ecological processes and functions. Our responsibility doesn’t end once we have purchased wood.

We recognize we can’t accomplish our landscape conservation goals alone, so we pledge to collaborate with stakeholders to help:

  • Keep the amount of forestland stable or increasing at regional scales;
  • Conserve wetland forest ecosystems, peatland forests, and high-carbon tropical forests;
  • Address the conversion of forest types that provide high-quality habitat for at-risk species; and
  • Restore critical, threatened, or declining forest types.

Committed to forest stewardship

Three critical areas

In the Sustainable Forestry Standards section of our RSP, we describe our commitments to ensure that, when we make an affirmative decision to purchase wood from a given harvest, that harvest has a positive impact on the forest landscape from which we source. We achieve this by:

  • Partnering to keep forests as forests
  • Using geospatial technology to monitor forest regeneration
  • Ensuring compliance with best management practices in harvesting operations
  • Improving the identification and protection of High Conservation Value forests

The Verification and Transparency section of our RSP details the ways in which we seek to enhance the transparency of our operations and the verification of our information through technological solutions and third-party sustainability certification systems. We are focused on:

  • Enhancing Track & Trace® audit capabilities
  • Increasing forest management certification in our sourcing regions
  • Establishing new reporting on sustainability for greater transparency and stakeholder engagement

In the Conservation Leadership section of our RSP, we pledge to go beyond our tract-level sustainability standards in order to progress toward our vision of sourcing wood in ways that promote the sustainability of forest ecosystems at the landscape level. Because the regional forest products industry is an integrated system, in which different grades of wood are created from each harvest and delivered to various local markets, this requires collaborative work with a variety of other stakeholders to:

  • Support legislative measures aimed at conservation
  • Establish the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund to conserve bottomland hardwood forests
  • Encourage use of tax credits for conservation of wetlands
  • Undertake scientific analysis of forest conservation trends
  • Develop a longleaf restoration plan and manage its restoration with landowners

View our 2020 Impact Report.

supporting critical forest ecosystems

Longleaf restoration

To date, we have supported longleaf forest ecosystem restoration through our sourcing from longleaf restoration projects, primarily on state and federal agency lands. We will support the restoration of other forest types and we will develop partnership and procedures to support additional restoration on private lands.

Read more about Enviva’s support of longleaf restoration here.

Forests for the future

Enviva Forest Conservation Fund

To help protect High Conservation Value areas and to conserve bottomland hardwood working forest landscapes, we created the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund. This $5 million, 10-year grant program is designed to protect tens of thousands of acres of forestland in southeast Virginia and northeast North Carolina.

Administered by the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund awards matching grants to nonprofit organizations to protect ecologically sensitive areas and conserve working forests. The goal is to preserve 35,000 acres of bottomland forests.

For more information, visit the Enviva Forest Conservation Fund website.